After meeting professor Giorgio, i went home and picked up my luggage. Got my phone charger, valentine one detector, clothes, gum, cash, and some food for the trip.
Just before I was leaving Buffalo, got a call from Hackensack, NJ asking if i left my house yet. I quicky got on the road and was in my black Prelude, slowly passing by Rochester, Syracuse on the interstate 90, and found my way to Pennsylvania in a few hours.
I was driving very fast and very exhausted. Took a break at the rest area, smoked a cigarette there, and got another call from Hackensack.
It got completely dark after a while. I looked at the highway, it was completely black. the road and the sky were the same except a few cars.
Things changed so fast in a day and I don't go to Jersey anymore. But every time when I drive on the highway at night, I think of Jersey.
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