Friday, November 26, 2010

The last piece of Milan

今年真的是很特別的一年,在歐洲,在義大利,在米蘭,在 Domus Academy 的這一年。去之前我就決定要把握在歐洲的每一分一秒,不管是學習或是看新東西,甚至吃喝玩樂一定都要很用力的去填滿所有時間。

而這年的確是沒有讓我失望。在義大利的生活,就有如在 DA 求學一般,所有可以吸收的所見所聞到處都是,但是你必須自己去敲,自己去搶那些知識。



Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

my British luck

My British luck, hasn't been good.

1. Lost a relationship after she moved to London last summer.
2. Lost my passport and cell phone at Gatwick airport in London last Fall (I usually don't lose things but thank god found everything back).
3. Slept at the airport because I couldn't find my passport back in time and had to buy new flight tickets.
4. Booked a flight to London to meet my friend earlier this year but the accommodation fell through and had to pay €60 to reschedule the tickets to Copenhagen.
5. Someone from UK came to Milan to visit me and stole my passport this Spring.

The only positive word in this post is Copenhagen, and I currently have no plans visiting UK...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Yesterday, while I was driving on the interstate to Jersey,

After meeting professor Giorgio, i went home and picked up my luggage. Got my phone charger, valentine one detector, clothes, gum, cash, and some food for the trip.

Just before I was leaving Buffalo, got a call from Hackensack, NJ asking if i left my house yet. I quicky got on the road and was in my black Prelude, slowly passing by Rochester, Syracuse on the interstate 90, and found my way to Pennsylvania in a few hours.

I was driving very fast and very exhausted. Took a break at the rest area, smoked a cigarette there, and got another call from Hackensack.

It got completely dark after a while. I looked at the highway, it was completely black. the road and the sky were the same except a few cars.

Things changed so fast in a day and I don't go to Jersey anymore. But every time when I drive on the highway at night, I think of Jersey.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Zurich - The Home of Freitag

Zurich wasn't on my list of traveling, at least not this early. But since that my demanding friend was insisting to go to Switzerland without knowing anything about it, I decided to make a trip there, to experience the watch world and my beloved Freitag.

Let's take a look at Freitag brothers' invention, the Freitag bags:

Freitag (Friday in German), which was founded in the early 90's by the Freitag brothers - Daniel and Markus, sells bags made out of recycle materials, thick tarp from truck, seat belt for strap, and bicycle inner tube for seams. These bags quickly became a piece of classic Zurich design. I fell in love with Freitag some years ago and got my first Freitag bag in Tokyo, and bought another one last year in Milan. What's so cool about them?

Well, since that each bag is made of the actual truck tarpaulin, you will never find two that look the same. Each bag is unique. It's durable, it's recycled, a brand new bag looks really old and yes it smells, and you can customize one online deciding what truck tarps you wanna cut. With the creativity from the Freitag brothers and the design look of everything, the bag, the box, the store, the display, one of the messenger bags is in the MoMA collection in New York. All that above gives Freitag a very strong personality.

So I made a trip to the home of Freitag, Zurich, and the first place I wanted to go was the Freitag flagship store. The Freitag brothers had the idea of making these bags while watching all those trucks with containers going from Germany to Italy, passing by Zurich. The same idea was done again to the Zurich flagship store emphasizing their concept. The store is built of 17 real truck containers, yes they are for real. And at the top, there's this "Truckspotting" area for you to enjoy the view of the highway, railroads, and the train station. Yes the view isn't spectacular, it's actually kind of ugly. But hey, Freitag is born in that ugly industrial looking place, and I do think the "Truckspotting" thing is a very clever viral marketing strategy.

Enough with the BS talk, let's see how Swiss architects Annette Spillmann and Harald Echsle realize Freitag brothers' concept into a store.

Me relaxing in the F container:

Another angle:

The F bike at the store front:

The interior is very attractive too: (This girl would not get out of my sight)

From the top, yes this is the truckspotting:


Since that I'm writing about cool architecture in Zurich, I may as well write about another world famous architecture here, Centre Le Corbusier.

It is designed by the great architect Le Corbusier, commissioned to him by his interior designer friend Heidi Weber in the 60's. Le Corbusier died just a year after the construction began and it became the last piece of architecture work done by him.

This guy wouldn't leave me alone either:

The other side:

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nordic style

Copenhagen -

1.2 million

455 sq km

danish krone

foreign language:
perfect English

first impression:
the home of fairy tale, copenhagen is truly an utopia. city is combined of both old houses with cultural evidences and new build...ings with modern, sleek architecture. and bikes are everywhere, in motion or just left on street. and all kinds of people ride them, young, old, practical, fashionable, etc.

yellow, sky blue, and, pink.

everyone is friendly, willing to help strangers, not afraid of foreigners. people are tall and fit, girls are Nicole Kidman like but guys are no where near Tom Cruise.

definitely higher than Paris, London, or Tokyo. all public transportation is 23 kr (€3) in 2 zones, 24 hr free pass is 125 kr (€17). a Big Mac meal is more than €8.

city life:
no beggar on street, metro is extremely clean, city is clean for the most part. it's almost impossible not to ride a bike in the city, anywhere, at any hour, and they have tracks for bikes climbing up and down the stairs. street artists are amazing, my guess is that they perform music on the street because they love it, not for begging money, because they are good and they don't try to block the metro entrance. crowded in city center, but no where close to champs-elysees in Paris or montenapolione in Milan. cars are normal and boring like milan.

night life:
a lot of bars sighted, very loud too. did not see any clubs but then i wasn't in the right neighborhood. cool thing is that, you can find people riding bikes to bars, i didn't see any drunk bikers though.

during the day it feels like night temperature of milan, very cold but bearable, when it's dark it's really cold. it gets dark at around 5 pm. biking is okay in winter, it's not easy to find icy bike tracks there.

for a bit more than €8, you get a Big Mac meal, and it contains 2 Big Mac's. yes, they eat two huge burgers at once, but they are not fat, maybe it's because everyone rides a bike.

the danish buildings, scandinavian style design, fairy tale, quiet and smooth city life.

Stockholm -

1.2 million

188 sq km, made up of 14 islands

swedish krone

foreign language:
very good English

first impression:
stockholm is very modern and busy. an exciting city with lots of things going on. the moment you get to the city, you know you won't be bored.

snow white

everyone is friendly, when we were having trouble on the street, people would come up to us and try to help. people are tall but much wider than danish, and look like Vikings. (pirates)

definitely higher than Milan, probably a bit more than London and Paris if not much higher. all public transportation is 20 kr (€2) within the same zone, 24 hr free pass is 100 kr (€10). a Big Mac meal is about €6.

city life:
a few beggars on street, but not many, definitely not like London, Paris, or Milan. metro is extremely clean, city seems clean but all covered by snow and ice so i wouldn't know. biking is impossible in the winter. the very few street artists i ran into were pretty bad, loud and bad music. city center is crowded the way like Copenhagen, you see a lot of people but it doesn't annoy you. a lot of cars on the streets, you see a lot of modified cars, not as crazy as Los Angeles but they do stuff to their cars.

night life:
a lot of bars, clubs, movie theaters, and a lot of people on the streets at night. if you have the money, you definitely won't get bored in Stockholm. you can hear loud music of all kinds on the street, both electronic music and mainstream american hip hop, and you see a lot of drunk people at night. i heard that night life is a big thing in Stockholm, apparently it's true.

cold cold cold! i was pretty much numb the whole time, day and night it's freezing cold. streets are frozen, most places are covered by snow, a lot of them are icy too, it's even difficult to just walk on. it feels a bit humid inside because the snow is everywhere.

1 Big Mac in a meal, whewww… Fanta is not orange soda but strawberry.

i was numb, could not feel anything at all.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


12/23 ~ 12/28 巴黎之旅

23號下午從 Gare du Nord 附近的民宿出發:


去有名的雙艘咖啡廳 (Les Deux Magots) 喝很難喝的咖啡:

隔天聖誕節從聯合廣場 (Concorde) 出發:



再一路搭電車到新凱旋門 (La Defense):










Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lone Traveler

這是我的旅遊筆記,左:Cinque Terre。右:La Spezia。

三年前和 J 小姐大分裂後,我決定開始一個人的旅遊,過一個人的生活。這段時間也一個人跑過了些地方,除了比較累以外,通常是都可以玩的滿盡興的。不過這次的羅馬行有如地獄走了一遭般的痛苦,重感冒的時候我躺在飯店床上,全身包的緊緊的盯著天花板,我問我自己這一切是為了什麼?


Monday, January 12, 2009

HP 12" 筆記型電腦奪得 CES 2009 年最佳筆電獎

沒錯,這台代號 "Van Gogh" 的 HP 12 吋小電腦是我們公司做的,LCD 的部分是小弟本人的苦勞所換來的,依本公司的品質來說,此獎項 "可能" 不是以品質來打分數的,哈哈哈!雖然並非什麼了不起的工作,不過就好像是蓋 101 的工人之後看到 101,應該也會很得意的說:『95 到 101 樓的鋼筋都我打的!』就是那種痛苦無奈又感動的心情。

大家都知道我最近忙 HP 的案子忙到快出人命,很抱歉不是在忙這台。這台早在幾個月前就已經設計及構造都結案,最近在忙的是 HP 13 吋的案子。

接下來就欣賞一下這台 12 吋的 HP dv2 的攝影棚實拍照:

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hi Mickey


事實上我並不特別喜歡 Disney,事實上我已經去過全世界最大的 Disney world,在佛羅里達州的奧蘭多,事實上看一整天的米老鼠唐老鴨高飛狗,真的也會滿噁心的。但是我這次想抱著一個比較不一樣的心態,去看看這個夢幻國度。說不定,也是一種新的體驗!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

與 Domus Academy 教授面談

上週末的歐洲教育展,我與 Domus Academy 的教授面談了。這個面談是好幾個星期前約的,原本以為會以面試我申請入學資格為主要目的,但是沒想到我在上個星期就拿到了入學資格,所以這次的面談反而變成比較像是雙方互相了解。其中有一些值得分享的內容我節錄在這,以下 Domus Academy 簡稱 DA:

DA 不像其他一些學校會提供畢業後的就業輔導,那要如何確保他的學生能夠成為業界中的佼佼者?我怎麼能知道從 DA 畢業後便能正確學習到該有的知識及技術?

DA 教授:
我們所提供的知識以及經驗一定是最豐富最完整的,我們的課程有很大的一部分已經是以業界的工作經驗為主,相信這樣能提供給學生最完整的知識。並且,我們有興趣的學生也多半是已經具有相關產業知識的專業人士,在 DA 求學的學生都已經是有一定水準的設計師了,把那些務實的知識以及專案經驗交給這些學生,我們的經驗發現這對學生會有很大的幫助。

經過研究和仔細了解 DA 後,我對他的課程內容及教學方式非常感興趣。但是, DA 要如何說服像我這樣的學生拿出那麼一大筆學費去上課?換個角度來問, DA 要如何說服我學費的資助人 (我爸媽) 這筆錢不會被浪費?他們不是學設計的人,更不了解 DA 在做什麼。

DA 教授:
如果是他們不在乎設計也不懂 DA 的課程的話,你就跟他們說,DA 連續好幾年被美國商業週刊及其他國際新聞工作團體選為全世界最棒的設計學校之一(大笑),他們都是非常具有公信力及權威性的國際媒體,從各個角度來評估學校的各方面資源及教育能力。

至於要如何說服有興趣的相關學生就讀呢?以教育層面來說,我相信 DA 能夠提供的資源及知識,一定可與紐約 Parsons、倫敦的 Central Saint Martins 等設計/藝術學院平起平坐,我們都是全球最頂尖的學校。最大的差別就是在環境上吧。DA 在米蘭能夠提供給學生最完整的義大利設計經驗,米蘭是義大利的工業大城,也是世界的時尚、流行、設計、家具等最重要的城市,我相信在這理學習設計,再加上義大利的文化及歷史背景,這可以讓學生激發出很多新的想法。


所以環境是個很重要的因素,如果有學生很想去體驗紐約生活,我想我可能就會建議他去申請 Parsons 了。你如果真的來米蘭,我也會建議你多四處走走。除了米蘭外,也可以去羅馬走走,那是義大利的文化古城。我也建議你多去一些小鎮,體會一些義大利的傳統風味。

我聽說南方像 Napoli 那類地方治安很差?

DA 教授:
還好吧,只要你別太誇張,我想 Napoli 還算安全。你知道 Sicily Islands (西西里島) 嗎?那是義大利黑手黨的發源地,但是我會很推薦你去那住個幾天好好享受喔,那裡風景非常的美。

那 DA 對東方人的文化感興趣或嗎?

DA 教授:
是啊,DA 過去就有和上海的公司合作過,也有成功的把學生作品導入那家公司。並且和一些亞洲的公司關係一直保持很密切。


最後,‧‧‧ ‧‧‧ 沒錯,我拿到入學許可了!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

my new phone/camera






軟體介面做的不是很漂亮,畢竟我不是學 GUI ,也沒有這方面經驗,所以就別太介意啦。